We will cover the meeting live starting May 27

The W.H.O. is bringing about a world coup

It is being done under the guise of pandemic preparedness. Two WHO treaties are being secretly negotiated NOW to advance this: a Pandemic Treaty and a massively amended set of International Health Regulations. If you want to preserve your rights and freedoms, your possessions, your doctor-patient relationship, and the sovereignty of your nation, this must be stopped.

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Goal for the 1st quater of 2025 – improve conditions for small farmers and ranchers

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Dear Friends,   It has been another tumultuous week. President Trump has continued to issue Executive Orders and his people are moving quickly. It seems all 2 million plus federal employees (but not the military, which has been unable to meet its recruitment goals) have been given a buy-out offer: resign and you can collect 8 months' pay. The federal payroll increased by 10% more employees during…

UK: Attacks on Farming and Agricultural Production

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In the Slobodni podcast episode, UK Politician Andrew Bridgen describes the ever increasing pressures on farmers – all in the name of sustainable development. (Note, the episode starts in Croatian, but all of the dialog is in English. Just skip forward to minute 00:01:05.) Some context notes for US listeners: Food production: The UK produces 55% of its food requirement. In the US domestic production accounted for…

An Executive Order to exit the WHO was signed- truly exciting times

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Dear Friends,   This past week has been extraordinary. No one knew exactly what President Trump would do once he got into office. Of course, he could never please everyone on every policy. But he has pleased us greatly.   President Trump's nominee for Secretary of Agriculture, Attorney Brook Rollins, went before the Senate this past week. You can view the hearing below. (She begins speaking at…

what is going to happen once Trump takes office

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Dear Friends,   I wanted to give you an update on what has been happening. However, the big question on everyone's mind is, what is going to happen once Trump takes office in 4 days? Of course, no one outside his immediate circle knows, but I can give you a bit of info on what has already happened.   Our Door to Freedom strategy to fight globalism…

It’s not about global warming…

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..It’s about enslaving humanity.” Journalist Alex Newman draws attention to a 2013 UN report asserting meat consumption and farming to be “unsustainable”, and thus the need for a “major propaganda campaign” to convince people to eat insects. “So how are they gonna get people to eat bugs? Well, a combination of propaganda, indoctrinating children and making you very, very hungry.” “The goal, folks, is not to save…

Not a Sovereignty Grab?  UN Secretary-General Issues Orders on Climate Change

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Somehow, we don’t remember him being elected. UN Secretary-General Gutteres says nations MUST do a laundry list of things to reduce global temperature. The US did not agree to this. Gutteres is attempting a sovereignty grab in the name of climate change. Will your nation go along? What other demands will he make? This needs to be stopped now. Full video here. (Starts at 12:46) How ironic…

Pandemic Treaty negotiators conclude their week-long meeting in Geneva right now without an agreement. Ding Dong the Treaty is dead!

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The continuation of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body's (INB's) "resumed" session of its 12th official meeting is yet another dud Amid a desperate attempt to pull a rabbit out of a hat and conclude some kind of Pandemic Treaty this week, to be rapidly followed by a special WHO meeting of either the World Health Assembly or a Council of Ministers to adopt the Treaty—the best laid plans…

At the WHO’s meeting on the International Health Regulations held the week of October 2, 2023, the Third World Network voiced its concerns about the proposed amendments encouraging the proliferation of biological weapons

Sir Christopher Chope: why is the UK Government mum on sovereignty?

A discussion and Q and A was held in Parliament on December 18 regarding the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulations amendments and Pandemic Treaty.  Watch the 2 hour discussion as parliamentarians challenged the government minister to honestly report on the negotiations and the substance of the documents.

The debate came about because of a petition drive initiated by Dr. Tess Lawrie which received over 100,000 signatures last summer, obliging the Parliament to take on this discussion.

Members of parliament are very upfront about what the WHO is trying to do, and furthermore point out how the WHO has misrepresented its intentions.

These are the tools and documents which empower you to respond and educate others:

Dr. Nass: podcasts and interviews about the WHO proposed Pandemic Treaty

Invited to speak about her latest article The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics Dr. Meryl Nass presents her work uncovering the latest strategies by the World Health Organization. She instills hope in the audience as well as in the host by sharing her opinion why the WHO’s strategies are failing and how each person can help stop these draconian plans.

Dr. Tess Lawrie on WHO power

Why the WHO’s New Plan Should Worry Everyone: Dr. Meryl Nass – November 8, 2023

Actions Around the World

Links to all the actions, petitions, open letters, demonstrations, and organizations working to stop the global coup.

Have something to add? Please email us.

Eleven Estonian Parliament Members Reject the WHO Amendments

Newsletter, November 23rd, 2023 On November 22nd, 2023, eleven members of the Estonian Parliament sent a letter to the WHO Director General providing notification of Estonia’s rejection of the International Health Regulation (2005) Amendments, as well as…

Hungarian Translation

New: Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO? Miért aggódik mindenki a WHO miatt? Other languages available: Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO?by Dr. Meryl Nass. Translated by Előd Költő.

Procedural Issues with the WHO Treaties

Considerations of procedural issues that likely void the ability of a nation’s diplomats to approve the WHO’s 2 proposed international treaties From where do diplomats get the power to turn over their country’s governance to the unelected…

Notice of Reservations to WHO Amendments: from Netherlands

Notice of Reservations to the May 2022 Amendments which shorten the timeline. Unofficial translation using Google translate Answers to parliamentary questions from member Pouw-Verweij (BBB) about the “creeping” negotiations on the WHO pandemic treaty and the IHR…

International Crisis Summit 4

What were once labeled ‘Conspiracy Theories’ are now facts that are openly discussed and accepted as truths. The same details that were constantly categorized as ‘fake news’ are now being broadcast as crucial ‘newly discovered’ findings, often by the same reporters that condemned these truths throughout the pandemic. Data that was viciously censored is now being reported as ‘new ground-breaking information’.

View 2 Days of presentations

November 18, 2023 – COVID AND THE PANDEMIC

Novemer 19, 2023 – THE GREAT NARRATIVE

November 20, 2023 – PRESS CONFERENCE

What is the Great Reset?

According to the World Economic Forum, the Great Reset involves transformations of everything in society:

How is this happening?

The most immediate way this would be achieved is through 2 new legal documents that are now being negotiated through the W.H.O. :

A new Pandemic Treaty and Amendments to the existing International Health Regulations.

We described it on the The Highwire with Del Bigtree and Dr. Meryl Nass on August 31. Here is the featured article that describes what is happening.

In addition to these two documents we have 2-minute summaries and detailed articles describing the totalitarian measures the World Economic Forum, WHO, UN, World Bank and other international organizations are trying to impose on the world.

Join us and help make changes for the good, and to create our own future.

Subscribe. Join the Door to Freedom Coalition to Retake our Rights and Freedoms.

Debunking Pandemic Narratives

WHO’s Transformation ‘From Health Advisor to Dictator’

November 8, 2023
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) joins possibly Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) (invited), House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) (invited), former Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachman, Reggie Littlejohn, founder and president of Women’s Rights without Frontiers, Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. David Bell, attorneys Valerie Borek and Kristen Ullman, and investment banker and former public official Catherine Austin Fitts in a breakfast briefing on “the Fundamental Transformation of the WHO from a Health Advisor to Global Dictator.”

WHO Pandemic treaty danger

Health and Democracy Conference 13 September, 2023 EU Parliament Strasbourg

Attorney Philipp Kruse of Switzerland spoke about the WHO’s proposed Pandemic Treaty on September 13, 2023

Latest Articles

2 Minute Reads, Long Articles, and Opinion Pieces

Pandemic Treaty negotiators conclude their week-long meeting in Geneva right now without an agreement. Ding Dong the Treaty is dead!

The continuation of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body's (INB's) "resumed" session of its 12th official meeting is yet another dud Amid a desperate attempt to pull a rabbit out of a hat and conclude some kind of Pandemic Treaty this week, to be rapidly followed by a special WHO meeting of…
READ MORE Pandemic Treaty negotiators conclude their week-long meeting in Geneva right now without an agreement. Ding Dong the Treaty is dead!

Many have expressed misplaced fear that the Pandemic Treaty is about to be approved.

So I have made screenshots to let everyone know that there is still considerable disagreement. While there is no official current draft, I have taken the screenshots from an unofficial but reliable draft document from close to the end of the INB’s last meeting. The first slide tells us what…
READ MORE Many have expressed misplaced fear that the Pandemic Treaty is about to be approved.

REPPARE: The Rational Report on the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda

Re-Evaluating the Pandemic Preparedness And REsponse agenda (REPPARE) Visit the REPPARE homepage at the University of Leeds From the REPPARE site: Dealing with pandemics and other health emergencies is an important aspect of public health. Interventions must be weighed against potential direct and indirect benefits, the probability that an intervention…
READ MORE REPPARE: The Rational Report on the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda

In 10 points, what does the Pact for the Future tell us?

Meryl Nass, MDSeptember 15, 2024 1.  Global governance is to be transformed and strengthened “We will transform global governance,” which will lead “to a brighter future for all of humanity.”  But this will require greater international cooperation and compliance with international law. [paragraphs 3-5, and Action 41] “We will strengthen…
READ MORE In 10 points, what does the Pact for the Future tell us?

Is the Pact for the Future a Treaty? The UN has been very cagey about using ordinary terminology to describe it.

What is the Summit of the Future? Experience the Summit of the Future: A Gathering of Global Leaders Shaping Tomorrow The Summit of the Future is a pivotal gathering uniting leaders from across the globe to redefine our path towards a brighter present and a more secure tomorrow.
READ MORE Is the Pact for the Future a Treaty? The UN has been very cagey about using ordinary terminology to describe it.

The W.H.O. and American Democracy

Could the W.H.O. really take over Sovereignty from National Governments in an Emergency?

(updated December 2023)


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What are the Solutions?

Analyzing a problem is important but solving it is even better.
Our work includes articles, videos, and interviews focusing on solutions.
Make little changes in your life and you become part of the solution.

Interviews with Producer, Writer and Host of The Corbett Report

Join James Corbett and Dr. Meryl Nass in their monthly CHD TV discussion shining light on the history on the unelected, supranational Institution the W.H.O. and its newest strategies to further gain global control over the people of all nations in the near future.

The Attack On Our Food and Agriculture and How To Solve it

A 1 day symposium which took place on March 3rd, 2023, hosted by Dr. Meryl Nass and Childrens Health Defense. In the first session the guest speakers discuss the alarming issue of the Attack on Food and Agriculture, while the following 3 sessions focus on the solutions for farmers, individuals and our society at large.

View 17 presentations on problems and solutions to the attack on food and agriculture, in 4 segments:

1. Defining the attack on Food & Agriculture
2. Solutions for Farmers
3. Solutions for Individuals 
4. Societal Solutions 

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