Are you in Europe and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add?
Have something to add? Please email us.
Actions taken by Groups in Europe
European Citizens

European Citizens’ Initiative
European Union CitizeEuropean Union Citizens’ Initiativens’ Initiative
One million signatures are needed for an upcoming EU Citizens’ Initiative in the 27 nations of the European Union. NOW is the time to organize. Signature collection begins 28 November 2023.
Collecting Signatures (Bulgaria)
Door to Freedom was initially supportive of the European Citizens’ Initiative. However, we have investigated it thoroughly and can no longer offer our support. There are many reasons why.
First, it is being misrepresented by some of its supporters, who claim it will impose binding requirements on the European government. It does no such thing.
Second, some supporters claim that it still has the support of people who actually left the ECI project.
Third, we have reviewed the petition ourselves and discussed it with 3 very knowledgeable attorneys, and concluded that the language is highly aspirational, but lacking in specifics. Thus there is no clear message to lawmakers, and it is not written in a way that it can be easily translated into laws. Lawmakers seek very clear “asks” and this document does not have them.
Fourth, it is excessively long, such that most people and elected officials are unlikely to even read it.
We have therefore concluded that while the document might have some educational value, it also gives European citizens false hope that it will be a legal catalyst for change. And it may waste their energy.
We want those engaged in this ECI petition to do so with open eyes.

Who is WHO
If many people are informed about an injustice, those responsible can no longer enforce it secretly!
Have you received the Who’s WHO flyer? Were you familiar with the content? Or did you come across this website by chance?
Here are ten key issues that we are facing with the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the amended International Health Regulations (IHR). For each topic there is further information with sources under Details.

La conférence aura lieu 1100 Chaussée de Wavre, 1160 Auderghem, le 24 novembre 2023 à 19h00.
PAF: 10€ sur place – Inscription sur
The WHO Coup! Le Traité Pandémie, une menace pour la démocratie ?
Nous avons le grand plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence The WHO coup ! Le Traité Pandémie, une menace pour la démocratie ?
Va-t-on laisser l’OMS décider des futurs confinements, des vaccinations forcées et des intrusions dans nos domiciles ?
Ce vendredi 24 novembre à 19 heures, nous avons l’honneur de recevoir le Dr. Meryl Nass, médecin et experte en anthrax, bioterrorisme et armes biologiques, ainsi que la journaliste Senta Depuydt, spécialiste de l’agenda 2030.
Un évènement à ne pas manquer !
Bericht van Marcel de Graaf Europarlementariër bespreekt de sommatie en geeft aan dat ook de EMA is gesommeerd.
Volgende week bespreken Willem en Marcel met een aantal andere Europarlementariërs de opties om de injecties van de Europese markt te weren.
Roundtable discussion on the EMA’s shocking Covid vaccination revelations
Press Conference following the letter from the EMA
Dr. Meryl Nass: presentation in Belgium
In the Eye of the Storm
Program for December 1st, 2023 International Symposium in Croatian Parliament, Zagreb.

Letak – Tko je Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija?

Donosimo vam besplatni letak: “Tko je Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija?”
Letak možete preuzeti u pdf obliku OVDJE
Czech Republic
Petice za odmítnutí protipandemické dohody připravované WHO
v souladu s čl. 18 Listiny základních práv a svobod a zákona č. 85/1990 Sb., o právu petičním, ve znění pozdějších předpisů

Dear Minister,
In this open letter, we call on you as the Minister of Health to make clear what the position of the Government of the Czech Republic will be on the ratification of the WHO Pandemic Convention (known as WHO CA+) and the amendments to the International Health Guidelines (IHR 2005) currently under preparation.
FBF har den 23. november 2023 sendt et åbent brev til den danske regering, ved Statsminister Mette Frederiksen, med krav om afvisning af WHO’s vedtagne ændringsforslag, til International Health Regulation (IHR) fra maj 2022 senest den 27. november 2023
On 23 November 2023, the FBF sent an open letter to the Danish government, through Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, demanding rejection of the WHO’s adopted amendment proposal to the International Health Regulation (IHR) from May 2022
no later than 27 November 2023

EI WHO sunnimeetmete rakendamisele!
Pöördume Eesti Vabariigi Valitsuse ja Eesti Vabariigi Riigikogu liikmete poole palvega saata Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni (WHO) peadirektorile teadaanne, et Eesti ei nõustu Rahvusvaheliste Tervise-eeskirjade muudatusettepanekute jõustumise lühema tähtajaga.
Advokaat Philipp Kruse ja dr. Meryl Nass jagasid infot WHO plaanide kohta
Member of the Parliament, Anti Poolamets, hosted Dr Meryl Nass and Lawyer Philipp Kruse in the parliament on the topic of the dangers of changes to the World Health Organization (WHO) agreement.

Estonian Parliament Members Reject 2022 WHO IHR Amendments
11 Members of the Estonian Parliament sent a letter to the WHO Director-General on November 22nd as notification of Estonia’s rejection of the International Health Regulation (2005) Amendments.

Suomi ei saa luovuttaa tosiasiallista päätösvaltaa kansanterveydestään Maailman terveysjärjestölle
Maailman terveysjärjestö (WHO) on aloittanut vuonna 2022 neuvottelut, joissa se pyrkii lisäämään merkittävästi päätösvaltaansa maailmanlaajuisten kansanterveystoimien osalta kahdella kansainvälistä lainsäädäntöä muuttavalla tavalla, pandemiasopimuksella ja kansainväliseen terveyssäännöstöön ehdotetuilla muutoksilla. Neuvotteluiden on määrä päättyä kyseisten asiakirjojen hyväksyntään WHO:n yleiskokouksessa toukokuussa 2024.

Appel urgent à l’action : bloquez le Traité sur les pandémies MAINTENANT
Les enjeux n’ont jamais été aussi élevés dans notre combat continu contre le Traité sur les pandémies de l’OMS.
L’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a dévoilé un autre projet de cette proposition alarmante, destinée à devenir l’outil principal pour gérer les crises de santé mondiale.

World Freedom Alliance Greece
Προς τον Υπουργό Υγείας κ. Μιχάλη Χρυσοχοΐδη – Παραιτηθείτε ή ξεκινήστε την απαραίτητη διαβούλευση!
The World Health Organizations Plans for Us…

Ki a WHO-ból!
Lépjünk ki az Egészségügyi Világszervezetből (WHO-ból)! A magyar nép mondjon nemet!
Kérjük, nyomtassa ki, írja alá és adja postára ajánlott levélként (még jobb, ha tértivevénnyel) a csatolt közérdekű bejelentést a Köztársasági Elnöknek, vagy országgyűlési képviselőjének és/vagy a kormány bármelyik tagjának, beleértve a Miniszterelnököt is. (Ha erre nincs módja, küldje el e-mailben a bejelentést.



Sunday January 14th 2024 from 2pm – 7pm CET
“Via Maestri del Lavoro, 20099 Sesto San Giovanni, una location facilmente accessibile dalla metropolitana rossa di Sesto Rondò -, domenica 14 gennaio alle ore 14:00 si terrà il convegno internazionale “Verità Nascoste. Esploriamo cos’è l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS)“, un dibattito sulle sfide globali nel campo della sanità e della sovranità nazionale.”
Dr. Nass describes the issues with the proposed Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments, with consecutive translation in Italian.

stop WHO
De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie pleegt een coup. Onder het mom van een betere voorbereiding en respons op de volgende pandemie tracht de WHO de absolute controle over de wereldbevolking te krijgen.
Ondemocratisch gekozen bureaucraten menen ons te moeten overheersen? Wie heeft dat bedacht?

Stopp endringene i smittevernloven!
Stopp endringene i smittevernloven!
Regjeringen vil gi seg selv fullmakt til å sette befolkningen i isolasjon og karantene. Stortinget mister sin makt til å gripe inn. Dette er konsekvensene av de nye endringene i smittevernloven.
Du har kanskje hørt om dem? VG kalte forslagene for «Demokratisk galskap». Dagbladet sa det var «Autoritære forslag».
To professorer i rettsvitenskap, Hans Petter Graver og Morten Walløe Tvedt, ropte «Varsko for demokratiet». De advarte mot at Stortinget satte seg selv til siden. De setter forslagene i sammenheng med endringer i avtaler Norge har med Verdens helseorganisasjon, som krever at medlemslandene endrer lovverket for å tilpasse seg tiltak WHO kan innføre. Endringene kan i verste fall føre til tvangsvaksinering og innføring av vaksinepass.
Høyre, Arbeiderpartiet og Senterpartiet fikk flertall for forslaget, mens alle andre representanter fra andre partier sa nei.
Vi har en siste sjanse til å stoppe vedtaket!
Forslaget krever to avstemminger, og den andre vil skje 4. januar.
Er du enig i at vedtaket må reverseres? Signer oppropet!

Invitation to a fresh and topical lecture:
Saturday 21.10.23 at 11-12, at Litteraturhuset in Oslo.
How much authority will we give to the WHO?
Norway is now negotiating in the WHO on changes to new rules in the International Health Regulations (IHR) and a new pandemic treaty. The negotiations take place in closed rooms. The proposed amendments are far-reaching and comprehensive. None of the proposals have been considered in Stortinget. So far, there has been no open democratic debate about them in Norway. The rules concern us all.

Opprop – nei til WHO-traktat
Til: Norges befolkning
Opprop – nei til WHO-traktat Vi i Foreningen Lov og Helse krever at norske myndigheter snarest kommer med en erklæring overfor WHO hvor Norge erklærer at en internasjonal pandemiavtale er uakseptabelt for Norge og at vi trekker tilbake signeringen av avtalen! Hvis du tilslutter deg vår vurdering av og advarsel mot denne traktaten vær vennlig å signer dette oppropet…
International Crisis Summit 4
Due to the ongoing crises that result in an ever-increasing limitation to our freedoms, the International Covid Summit has changed its name to International Crisis Summit. The topics that be discussed during ICS4 will cover both Covid and all other “emergencies” mankind is facing today.
International Crisis Summit 4
Bucharest (RO) Nov 18-19, 2023
Palace of the parliament
Slovakian Activists and Miro Heredos confront the WHO director for the region.
Slovakian MP Fico announces that the Slovak Social Democracy Party will not support the WHO at the expense of sovereign states.

General Information about the WHO Treaty and the IHR amendments – Canarias Despierta y Unida
Canarias Despierta y Unida es una plataforma ciudadana, sin vinculación política, creada para la defensa y salvaguarda de los derechos y libertades fundamentales de los ciudadanos de Canarias en todos sus ámbitos (salud, educación, laboral, etc.) denostada por los organismos oficiales estatales y autonómicos desde marzo de 2020.
De mänskliga rättigheternas ställning
Interpellation 2023/24:172 De mänskliga rättigheternas ställning
av Elsa Widding (-)

Save Our Sovereignty
4th December UK Parliament: Lobby your MP
Letter templates to lobby your MP’s to attend the UK Parliament meeting on the 4th December at which doctors and analysts will give expert testimony on the pandemic and its consequences.

Petition The King
We are facing an imminent threat to our liberty. Why? Because our government has, in principle, already agreed to the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty (WHO CA+) being proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This treaty is aimed at centralising the WHO’s control over health emergencies including pandemics.

End the UK’s membership of the World Health Organization
The World Health Organisation is not a democratically elected body and we are concerned about the powers WHO may be given over Sovereign Nations in the future.
The Great Freeset
Join Children’s Health Defense and World Council for Health to stand up and make a difference.
the only case in the world – the highest gov body sued for the violation of basic human rights with Covidpass
Are You Ready For The Great FreeSet Challenge?
Call to action! Global Nobel Prize Protest | December 10, 2023
The Swedish organisations – Doctors’ Appeal, Nurses’ Appeal and the Human Rights and Democracy Party MoD have launched a global petition: Nobel Prize Protest. All citizens of the world are invited to sign the petition.
The petition was created to protest against the award of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to two scientists who made it possible to use mRNA technology to produce COVID-19 vaccines. Based on a study of vaccination rates and mortality in 17 countries in the southern hemisphere, an estimated 17 million people have died due to adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, the vast majority of which are based on mRNA. To honour two scientists who made mRNA vaccines possible with the Nobel Prize is a deep affront of all those who have died or been seriously injured by these products. It resonates with previous awards for same prize for DDT (1948) and to the inventor of the lobotomy (1949).